Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Psychology Is The Study Of The Mind And Behavior - 1769 Words
In simple definition, psychology is the study of the mind and behavior. Psychology is a very recently made science, and it includes many sub-fields. The newly-made science evolved out of biology and philosophy can be traced far back to early Greek whose thinkers include Aristotle and Socrates. The science is unique because it studies something abstract and can’t be seen physically perceived such as thoughts, memory, cognition, and emotions. Psychology is very similar to any other science by the way it is studied. In 1879, the first psychology laboratory was established by Wilhelm Wundt. The foundation helped separate psychology from philosophy by making it a more objective study to investigate the causes of behavior and to analyze the functions of the mind using standardized procedures and scientific methods. Psychological studies are often highly constructed and organized in accordance just as any other research study with proper procedures such as observation, measurement, analysis, theory, explanations, and predictions. There are two major fields of psychology in which psychology is studied: academic and applied. Psychology can be applied to various issues that affect health and daily life. Applied psychology uses principles and theories to solve real-life situations. Some applied areas include sports, forensics, education, and industrial. The second type of psychology is academic which is a more scholarly and scientific field. Psychologists in this field conduct andShow MoreRelatedPsychology Is A Study Of Mind And Behavior3879 Words  | 16 Pagesduring high school he made a decision to study psychology instead. â€Å" I knew all along that I want to become a psychologist and that is what often helped me when I had a hard time seeing the light at the end of the tunnel†says Dr. Bob. Definition Psychology is a study of mind and behavior. Psychological research is mostly focused on the relationship between thought, behavior and emotion; how one influences the otherRead MorePsychology Is The Study Of The Mind And Behavior1389 Words  | 6 PagesPsychology is the study of the mind and behaviour. Since Psychology first emerged there has been ,many differing schools of Psychology each with different theories in which to understand human behaviour. In this essay I will explain the four major schools of psychology including psychoanalysis, behaviourism, biological and cognitive, and the major influences behind each such as Freud. Psychoanalysis is a school of thought first developed by Sigmeund Freud(1856-1939) one of the most influentialRead MorePsychology Is The Scientific Study Of The Mind And Behavior986 Words  | 4 PagesA Look into Psychology Psychology is known to be the scientific study of the human’s mind and behavior. Psychology is not the study of extraordinary mind activity like paranormal, extrasensory perception (ESP), astrology, nor phrenology. Psychology is theoretically constructed and uses a standard scientific process to discover evidences of that human’s behavior. Psychology also allows an individual to give special assistance to a specific group of children who could have a difficult time in schoolRead MorePsychology Is The Scientific Study Of The Mind And Behavior791 Words  | 4 Pagesinner most feelings. The field of psychology was created to understand human behavior to help make society a better place and people live much easier. Psychology is field with sub fields that differ but the underlining core values are the same. The path to becoming a psychologist is challenging and not easy but most people entering the field feel like it is their calling. I cannot pen point one exact language or a specif form of communication that makes the psychology field special because differentRead MorePsychology Is The Scientific Study Of The Mind And Behavior1589 Words  | 7 PagesWhat is Psychology? That is the first question before I took this class. I do not know what things I study from it. So is it useful for me and my life? Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior. Psychology is a multifaceted discipline and includes many sub-fields of study such areas as human development, sports, health, clinical, social behavior and cognitive processes. (Simply Psychology Website). But today I will introduce 4 parts from the introduction to Psychology. That isRead MoreEssay on Psychology: The Study of the Mind and Behavior755 Words  | 4 PagesPsychology Concepts: Psychology is a term derived from two Greek words that translate to life explanation, which makes it an important element of daily life. The field of psychology can be described as a discipline that focuses on the study of mind and behavior. This discipline is characterized by several concepts and approaches that are used by psychologists in understanding human behavior. Since psychology is a broad field, psychologists not only use these concepts and approaches but alsoRead MorePsychology Is A Discipline That Studies The Mind And Behavior1880 Words  | 8 PagesPsychology is a discipline that studies the mind and behavior. We hear about psychology through self-help book, self-help mentors, and talk shows. Many students enter this field of psychology with some knowledge. In the fall and winter of 1975 students in an introductory psychology class were given a test known as the â€Å"Test of misconception†students were asked to listen to each statement and answer them by answering true or false only, statements such as â€Å"To change people’s behaviors towards membersRead MorePsychology Is The Study Of People s Minds And Behaviors1710 Words  | 7 PagesPsychology is the study of people’s minds and behaviors. There are different types of psychology like health psychology, which study’s people’s health, and abnormal psychology, which study’s people’s minds, some characteristics of these psychology include the detentions of health, different types of disorders, like anxiety, and destiny, free will, fate, decisions, values, integrity, moral, and ethics. The dimensions of health and their characteristics, mental and social health, comparing and contrastingRead MorePsychology Is The Scientific Study Of The Human Mind And Its Behaviors1625 Words  | 7 PagesBy definition, Psychology is â€Å"the scientific study of the human mind and its behaviours†. However, originally, Psychology did not begin a s a science. The subject of Psychology began in 1879 when the first experimental laboratory was opened by Wilhelm Wundt. Since its establishment, Psychology has progressed into a world-renowned academic discipline with the formation of the first American experimental lab in 1883 and the first doctorate in 1886 which was presented to Joseph Jastrow, who became aRead MoreThe Philosophy Of Psychology Is Defined As The Scientific Study Of The Human Mind And Behavior1281 Words  | 6 PagesPsychology is defined as the scientific study of the human mind and behavior. It was established as a separate discipline during the late 1800s and can be taken back to the time of the ancient Greeks. From around 500BC to 322 BC, Greek philosophers suggested a theory of â€Å"psyche†that is where the word psychology comes from. This meaning the mind, soul and spirit. The Pythagoras, Hippocrates, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle were some of the most influential philosophers of their time. Howev er, due to
Monday, December 16, 2019
Government Spending on Healthcare Free Essays
Government Spending on Healthcare Talia Oliver 10/22/2012 HCS/440 Donna Lupinacci, MSN The article I read was written by Margaret Cuomo, M. D. and it focused on health care costs and how the government is doing unnecessary spending in health care. We will write a custom essay sample on Government Spending on Healthcare or any similar topic only for you Order Now According to the article, the government has spent about $750 billion dollars on medical care that was not needed. Some of the areas where the author believes that the money has been wasted have been in unnecessary services, excessive administrative costs, inflated prices, prevention failures and fraud. The issue is that this spending is not actually contributing to the improvement of patient health. The author the author had stated that â€Å"Flaws in the current system of cancer treatment contribute to unnecessary spending†(Cuomo, 2012). There is so much money being spent on the blood tests, diagnostic scans and other medical procedures that deal with cancer and it is costing about $200 billion every year. With their being so much unnecessary spending on healthcare, Cuomo discussed how a group called the IOM committee was able to come up with ways in order to cut the spending and be able to continue to provide quality health service. Government Regulation on Media in America iframe class="wp-embedded-content" sandbox="allow-scripts" security="restricted" style="position: absolute; clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);" src="https://phdessay.com/government-regulation-on-media-in-america/embed/#?secret=sgsT8FbfP9" data-secret="sgsT8FbfP9" width="500" height="282" title="#8220;Government Regulation on Media in America#8221; #8212; Free Essays - PhDessay.com" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"/iframe The article discusses that the IOM believes that â€Å"Eliminating wasteful spending for just one year ($750 billion) would be equal to more than 10 years of Medicare cuts†(Cuomo, 2012). This wasteful spending according to the article can’t continue to happen and it is important that we understand where the money is being spent and how the excessive spending can be changed. My opinion of the article is that there is too much money being spent by the government on healthcare that is not contributing to ensuring the improvement of patient health. When you look at the unnecessary medical care, there are services that are not needed but the money is being wasted when it could be spent somewhere else. Cancer is a serious issue and I believe it is important for patients to get assistance to help treat cancer. However, there are times that some patients are a bit paranoid and believe they have cancer and request tests to be sure. This is not necessary if the patient shows no signs of having cancer and the money can be saved. I believe that the article is very valid with saying that a lot of the spending is going to unnecessary things. The reason why I believe this is because there are those patients who are able to afford care and can’t get covered for care due to the fact that there is not enough funding available. The article is also valid in identifying ways that the unnecessary costs can be cut without disrupting the quality of care given to the patients. The ability to save money by cutting the unnecessary spending can help the money go to services like Medicare. I believe that the spending discussed in this article is way too much on unnecessary services that are not helping to improve patient’s health. There is no reason that $750 billion is being wasted and it could go to services that can help those who can’t afford healthcare and those on Medicare. I believe that the government could focus that money on prevention methods that would help to avoid patients requiring more care. Prevention efforts are important and yet the government doesn’t invest enough money in it. The article had stated that recently â€Å"The House of Representatives voted 236 to 183 to repeal the Affordable health Care Act’s Prevention and Public Health Trust Fund†(Cuomo, 2012). Instead of trying to prevent the spending on unnecessary services and issues, repealing this act just ensures that there will be more costs to come due to the fact that prevention efforts are not being taken seriously. In conclusion, this article talked about the fact that a lot of the government spending on healthcare is being wasted on unnecessary services. The government is spending money on healthcare that can be cut in order to spend money where it is needed in healthcare. If the government focused more on being able to cut costs and provide quality care, $750 billion can go to Medicare services or even to state agencies that are trying to help uninsured patients get proper care. The government spending on healthcare should be spent on ensuring the improvement of patient’s health. References Cuomo, M. (2012, September 25). Margaret I. Cuomo, M. D. : The Truth About Health Care Costs. Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post. Retrieved October 23, 2012, from http://www. huffingtonpost. com/margaret-i-cuomo-md/health-care-costs_b_1901742. html How to cite Government Spending on Healthcare, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Auditing and Assurance Services Principles and Practice
Question: Discuss about the Auditing and Assurance Services for Principles and Practice. Answer: Introduction: The probability of misstatement in financial reports depends on the level of various risks, associated with the financial and non-financial aspects of the organizations. Proper audit process helps the organizations to minimize those risk factors and to exhibit true and fair financial position and performance of the business. Still, it has been noticed that there are some factors, which cannot be controlled by the auditing processes. In audit term, the risks of any error or omission in the financial statement, caused by such uncontrollable factors, are referred as inherent risks. Inherent risks mainly rise due to higher level of complexity in the financial statement and involvement of financial estimation or assumptions (Miller et al. 2012). From the financial statements of One.Tel, it is quite clear that in the year 2000, the company has performed very poorly. However, it is very unlikely that the poor performances have not affected the financial position of the company very much. Rather, the balance sheet of the company exhibits that the financial position of the company in 2000 was better than that of previous year. From such disparity in the financial statements, it can be stated that there are some inherent risk factors, associated with the financial statement. Inherent Risk Factors at Financial Report Level: Financial reports are the final outcomes of all the business activities and financial transactions of an organization. Therefore, it reflects all the errors or omissions, caused by the various inherent risks, associated with the business activities. There are several factors, which are responsible for increasing the inherent risk level (Abraham and Shrives 2014). Effectiveness of marketing plan is one of such inherent risk factors. The income statement and cash flow statement of One.Tel reflect that the company has failed to generate sufficient amount of income from the basic operating activities. It may been caused by ineffective marketing plans. Marketing plans are made for attracting more customers and increasing the income or profit of the organization. The plans are made on the basis of consumer behavior analysis and future market prediction. The effectiveness of the marketing plan, is , therefore, depends on the accuracy of the behavior analysis and market prediction. If the management fails to analyze the nature of the consumers properly, then it would not be able to prepare an effective plan, which can attract more customers. Moreover, the market prediction is very complex and involves various economic, political and social aspects. In reality, it is not possible to cover all the aspects. However, for a sound marketing plan, it is ver y necessary to cover the aspects, which are closely related to the nature of the business and product. If any necessary aspect is not considered properly for the marketing plan, then the plan cannot be considered as effective. As, it is not possible for an auditor to control the effectiveness of the marketing plan, the factor increases the inherent risk level very significantly at the financial report level (Beasley et al. 2012). Change of consumers preferences is another inherent risk factor, which can affect the financial statement. It has been observed in the telecom industry, that the customers often change their network service providers for obtaining lucrative schemes and offers. Therefore, through attractive marketing and advertisement campaigns, the telecom companies may attract many consumers for certain offers, but face great challenge to retain the consumers for longer period. Such fast changes of consumers preference affects the sales of the company over the periods and alters the financial outcomes of different financial periods (Bratten et al. 2013). The labors and staffs may also raise the inherent risk level high at the financial reporting level. Such risk level is much higher in the companies, where the total workforce includes higher numbers of new and inexperienced employees. The productivity level of any organization is very much relied on the efficiency level of the employees. The efficiency level of the employees uses to depend on the experience, training and dedication of the employees. The new employees may not provide high quality services or optimum output due to inexperience. Moreover, the existing or older employees may also fail to provide the output at desired level for various reasons. The company may introduce such employment policy, which would create negative impact on employees. In the peak seasons or in pressure, the employees require additional motivation. In absence of the proper motivation from higher management, the employees may not perform as desired. Moreover, if the company adopts any new technology or system, the management should improve the skills of the employees accordingly. Apart from that, the company should arrange training programs for the employees to update their skill knowledge, so that they can provide better service to the company (Arens et al. 2012). Identifiable Inherent Risk Factors during Strategic Business Risk Assessment: There are various risk factors, which can be identified during strategic business risk assessment. Through various risk assessment processes and the sensitivity analysis, management can assess the risk levels, associated with the factors. The operational and other business planning is one of such factors. The management can identify the various risks associated with the new business plans by analyzing the plan for alternative circumstances (Baxter et al. 2013). Market condition is another factor, which can affect the financial reporting of the company. The company can assess the various risks, associated with future changes in the market by proper market research and analysis. Economic condition of the nation can also increase the risk level. It risk, associated with the national and global economy, by observing the change in the economical factors and analyzing the various economic data periodically. The business organizations may also suffers greatly due to change in government policies. Therefore, by analyzing the changes in the government structure and declarations from governments end, the company can assess the risk factors, associated with any new government policy (Sadgrove 2016). Inherent risk arises on account of the particularity of the entities activities, nature of account, environment and its operation. The history of errors and the characteristics of management are perceived to be the major determinants of the inherent risks. The errors affecting the financial statements of the entity that is the risk factors associated with the accounting balance and the detection of such inherent risks would help in the risk assessment. The accounts of balance suffer from various inherent risk factors and the assessment of such risk would help the auditors and contribute to the increased risk assessment (Cohen et al. 2014). The factors that need to be considered are that the accounts balance is considered of many high volume transactions that are non routine in nature. Some of the adjustments that are made in the accounts of balances do not exist in the ordinary routine process of the business. There are many complex transactions that are made in the accounts of balances. The auditor needs to assess the risks involved in auditing the account balance by considering the inherent risk factors (Messier 2016). Some of the inherent risk to be assessed is based on the factors are that the financial reporting that actually depicts the result are different from the real projection. This is so because there are some financial transactions which need to be treated sing the complex calculation and when the simple calculation is incorporated then it can be misstated. The company, which is not in a stable financial situation, such company intended to meet certain covenants has greater incentive to misstate financial information and this is inherently. Suppose, a company has wrongly presented its financial data or if there is any discrepancies in the accounts in the previous year and so, is inherently likely to present in the same form. Such factors are mainly considered by the auditor to assess the inherent risk (Kunz et al. 2014). The inherent risk at the financial statement affects the potential outcomes and the operations of business. When the auditor is assessing the inherent risk, the factors affecting the judgment and the subjectivity of the financial statements are considered. The factors considered is the integrity and competence of the management and the preliminary interview that is held with the management. The auditor based the assessment whether there are any transactions that are unusual with the significant party or the outsiders (Porter et al. 2014). The history of the company regarding the estimates of the meeting analysts or there is any expectation of the growth earning. This can be explained with the help of an example say, the former CFO of any company was held liable for engaging in the fraud concerning the securities. He was engaged in a scheme that was intended to backdate the stock option grants. The fraud was mainly attributed to the integrity of the management. The inaccuracy of the f inancial reporting was mainly attributed to the failure of the accountant to maintain the accurate accounting record (Crous et al. 2012). Going concern can referred as those organizations, which are expected to continue its business operation for infinite period and will not liquidate in the coming future. The business organizations, which are enlisted as companies, are regarded as going concern under statutory guidelines. Still, many companies discontinue its operations during the course of period (Harrison and Wicks 2013). Therefore, the users of financial statements analyze the different financial statements to measure the organizations capability for continuing the operation in future. Mainly three aspects of the organization are analyzed to measure the continuity prospect of the organization liquidity, solvency and profitability (Carson et al. 2012). Liquidity aspect describes the liquid asset position of the company. It helps to ascertain whether the company can cover its current liabilities by its current assets. In other words, it depict whether the company has sufficient working capital to operate the normal business activities. If the company does not have the adequate liquid assets then it may lead to liquidity insolvency and the company may have to discontinue its basic operational activities. Current ratios are the most widely used tools to measure the liquidity aspect of any organization. The current ratios of One.Tel for 2000 and 1999 are shown below: Solvency aspect is used to measure the overall financial strength of the company. It describes whether the company owns enough assets to pay off all its liabilities. It also helps to understand the capital structure of the company. Debt to Equity ratio, Equity ratio and debt ratio are three ratios, which measure the solvency aspect of any organization (Horngren 2013). The three ratios of One.Tel for 2000 and 1999 are given as follows: The profitability aspect narrates the financial performance of the company in terms of profit or loss. Any business organization operates for earning profit. Profitability aspect describes whether the company has performed effectively and has earned adequate profit. If the company cannot earn adequate profit then it cannot operate properly in the future due to insufficiency of funds. Return on Assets, return on equity and return on capital employed are some of the common profitability ratios. Theses ration of One.Tel are shown in the following graph: The financial statements of One.Tel and the graphs, shown above describes that the current ratio has reduced over the years. However, still the current ratio is above 1.5, which states that the company has enough current assets to cover its current liabilities. The solvency ratios have improved over the period due to reduction of total liabilities and increase of total assets and total equity (Kaplan and Atkinson 2015). The only matter of concern is the profitability ratio. In 2000, the company has incurred huge loss, which has led all the return to negative. Moreover, from the cash flow statement, it can be concluded that the company has also failed generate enough cash revenue to meet all the operational expenses. It has caused shortage of cash funds and the company has continued its operation from the retained earnings and additional capital funding by issuing new shares. It can be concluded that though the company is suffering from net loss and shortage of funds, it has adequate assets to cover the liabilities and losses. Therefore, One.Tel can be considered medium going concern. References: Abraham, S. and Shrives, P.J., 2014. Improving the relevance of risk factor disclosure in corporate annual reports.The British accounting review,46(1), pp.91-107 Arens, A.A., Elder, R.J. and Beasley, M.S., 2012.Auditing and assurance services: an integrated approach. Prentice Hall. Baxter, R., Bedard, J.C., Hoitash, R. and Yezegel, A., 2013. Enterprise risk management program quality: Determinants, value relevance, and the financial crisis.Contemporary Accounting Research,30(4), pp.1264-1295 Beasley, M., Elder, R. and Arens, A., 2012. Auditing and assurance services. Bratten, B., Gaynor, L.M., McDaniel, L., Montague, N.R. and Sierra, G.E., 2013. The audit of fair values and other estimates: The effects of underlying environmental, task, and auditor-specific factors.Auditing: A Journal of Practice Theory,32(sp1), pp.7-44 Carson, E., Fargher, N.L., Geiger, M.A., Lennox, C.S., Raghunandan, K. and Willekens, M., 2012. Audit reporting for going-concern uncertainty: A research synthesis.Auditing: A Journal of Practice Theory,32(sp1), pp.353-384 Cohen, J.R., Krishnamoorthy, G. and Wright, A., 2014. Enterprise risk management and the financial reporting process: the experiences of audit committee members, CFOs, and external auditors.CFOs, and External Auditors (May 30, 2014) Crous, C., Lamprecht, J., Eilifsen, A., Messier, W., Glover, S. and Douglas, P., 2012. Auditing and Assurance Services.Berkshire: McGraw-Hill. Harrison, J.S. and Wicks, A.C., 2013. Stakeholder theory, value, and firm performance.Business ethics quarterly,23(01), pp.97-124 Horngren, C.T., Sundem, G.L., Schatzberg, J.O. and Burgstahler, D., 2013. Introduction to management accounting. Pearson Higher Ed Kaplan, R.S. and Atkinson, A.A., 2015. Advanced management accounting. PHI Learning. Kunz, R., Josset, D., Scholtz, H., Motholo, V., Graeme, O.R., Penning, G. and Rudman, R., 2014. Auditing Assurance: Principles Practice. Messier Jr, W., 2016.Auditing assurance services: A systematic approach. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Miller, T.C., Cipriano, M. and Ramsay, R.J., 2012. Do auditors assess inherent risk as if there are no controls?.Managerial Auditing Journal,27(5), pp.448-461 Porter, B., Simon, J. and Hatherly, D., 2014.Principles of external auditing. John Wiley Sons. Sadgrove, K., 2016.The complete guide to business risk management. Routledge.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Spanish Civil War Essay Example For Students
The Spanish Civil War Essay With reference to any civil war in the 20th century examinethe social, economic and political background to the divisions inthe society involved. To what extent were the problems whichcaused the war resolved in the post-war period?The state of Spain during the early years of the 20th centurycan be said to have been a state of great â€Å"unease†. Spain was oneof the first powers to loose her imperial influence, the state waspolitically unstable, industrially weak and had suffered somehumiliating defeats. It can be said that these were the maincauses that lead to the great instability of Spain during the Civilwar and post civil war periods. We will write a custom essay on The Spanish Civil War specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Left-winged radicalism and nationalistic movements, such asthe Catalan movement frequently came into conflict with the centralgovernment, which lead the government to use corruption more andmore frequently as a form of control. The result was a militarycoup in 1923 lead by Miguel Primo de Rivera. Rivera preferred amore direct way of governing, with a strong Christian base and avery anti-communist attitude. He did not like party politics,preferring to govern pragmatically, at first with a militarycabinet, but later on (1926) he decided a systematic governmentwould be more efficient. So he introduced the `National Assembly’intended to represent different classes and groups, probably tosoften the opposition; as well as the Union Patriotica, created tomobilize popular support for his regime. Rivera also managed to strengthen the Spanish infra-structure,but the funding had to come from loans from other nations, becausethe upper classes would not accept a overhaul in the taxationsystem. He also managed to encourage industrial growth, which didwork to a certain extent because of many internal problems, and thebig depression. These financial and political, as well as social difficultiesled his regime to end in 1930 because it was unable to stop theattacks from the left, as well as attacks from the reluctantmilitary (who did not like his ideas of officer minimalisation). The next elections were won by the republicans, led by Azana,without too much difficulty. The Republic lasted 8 years beforeanother military coup, led by general Franco, took over thegovernment. The Republic tried to set out major reforms, intending torestructure the whole of Spain. The eight-hour working day was setup, as well as a reduction of officers in the armed forces (by theform of early retirement). Voting rights were given to people atthe age of 23, the nobility was abolished and, severe measures weretaken against the Church, especially religious education(considered, in a way, a form of propaganda). The region ofCatalonia was given some self-governing privileges, like thecontrol of it’s own police. The problem was that these reformsseemed to be too severe to the right-winged opposition and theprivileged classes. So in 1933, Azana’s government fell after being defeated bythe general elections. The new government was actually a series ofcoalitions which set out to undo all the reforms produced by theformer republican government. This lead to conflicts between whatnow could be called the two main â€Å"fronts†. These two camps werethe Popular Front (consisting of Communists, Socialist, Anarchists,etc.), and the National Front (consisting of right-winged partiesand other conservative institutions, such as the Church and theFalange). These parties fought for the next elections after theformer coalition government dissolved. The Popular Front won these elections, and so once again,Azana came into power. He tried, once again, to set out all hisprevious reforms. He also exiled Franco, who was considered thegreatest threat to the new government. The problem with the newgovernment though, was that it was (in the eyes of the opposition)drifting too far into communism. The National Front could notstand it any longer, so a military coup was hatched, lead by Francoto overthrough the government. This plan was set up so that twomain forces, one coming from the north, and the other from thesouth would eventually converge and snuff out the Republic. .u5816ad00eb61e7ac49a8747ba181d2c5 , .u5816ad00eb61e7ac49a8747ba181d2c5 .postImageUrl , .u5816ad00eb61e7ac49a8747ba181d2c5 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5816ad00eb61e7ac49a8747ba181d2c5 , .u5816ad00eb61e7ac49a8747ba181d2c5:hover , .u5816ad00eb61e7ac49a8747ba181d2c5:visited , .u5816ad00eb61e7ac49a8747ba181d2c5:active { border:0!important; } .u5816ad00eb61e7ac49a8747ba181d2c5 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5816ad00eb61e7ac49a8747ba181d2c5 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5816ad00eb61e7ac49a8747ba181d2c5:active , .u5816ad00eb61e7ac49a8747ba181d2c5:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5816ad00eb61e7ac49a8747ba181d2c5 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5816ad00eb61e7ac49a8747ba181d2c5 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5816ad00eb61e7ac49a8747ba181d2c5 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5816ad00eb61e7ac49a8747ba181d2c5 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5816ad00eb61e7ac49a8747ba181d2c5:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5816ad00eb61e7ac49a8747ba181d2c5 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5816ad00eb61e7ac49a8747ba181d2c5 .u5816ad00eb61e7ac49a8747ba181d2c5-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5816ad00eb61e7ac49a8747ba181d2c5:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Racial Profiling EssayThe National Front eventually won the civil war, not onlybecause it had financial and military support from Nazi Germany andFascist Italy, but also because the Popular Front had it’s owninternal conflicts. Franco’s regime proved quite successful. He managed toovercome internal disputes and balance the different Nationalistgroups; he left the question of monarchy open to the carlists andalso favored and encouraged a more influential Church. Even thoughhis government had a tough time during the 1940’s with regards toit’s status (problems becoming a member of the united nations),other nations saw Spain become, in their eyes, a more â€Å"softernation†, this improved it’s foreign dealings, mainly because of thefact that the cold war had started. A great success was the 1953 Madrid Pact between Spain and theU.S.A, which provided Spain with quite a substantial amount ofmilitary and monetary aid in return for access to it’s militarybases. This pact, as well as the better relations between Spainand the other powers and the great stability brought about becauseof the enormous repression that came with his regime, led Spain tobooming years during the 1960’s. The Spanish people saw a better Spain, economically, but itwas still in a very primitive state politically and sociallycompared to other european nations, who were not under militaryrule (with a few exceptions, of course). The end of the Francoregime left many scars in the social and political side of Spain. People had been submitted to a suppressive state, where very littleregard for any basic human right was given.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Quotes From Betty Friedan, Feminist Founder and Writer
Quotes From Betty Friedan, Feminist Founder and Writer Betty Friedan, the author of The Feminine Mystique, helped begin a new interest in womens rights, debunking the myth that all middle-class women were happy in the homemaker role. In 1966, Betty Friedan was one of the key founders of the National Organization for Women (NOW). This is an informal collection assembled over many years. We regret that we are not able to provide the original source if it is not listed with the quote. Selected Betty Friedan Quotations A woman is handicapped by her sex, and handicaps society, either by slavishly copying the pattern of mans advance in the professions, or by refusing to compete with man at all. The only way for a woman, as for a man, to find herself, to know herself as a person, is by creative work of her own. There is no other way. Man is not the enemy here, but the fellow victim. When she stopped conforming to the conventional picture of femininity she finally began to enjoy being a woman. The feminine mystique has succeeded in burying millions of American women alive. The only kind of work which permits an able woman to realize her abilities fully, to achieve identity in society in a life plan that can encompass marriage and motherhood, is the kind that was forbidden by the feminine mystique, the lifelong commitment to an art or science, to politics or profession. It is easier to live through someone else than to become complete yourself. A girl should not expect special privileges because of her sex but neither should she adjust to prejudice and discrimination. The problem that has no name - which is simply the fact that American women are kept from growing to their full human capacities - is taking a far greater toll on the physical and mental health of our country than any known disease. Each suburban wife struggled with it alone. As she made the beds, shopped for groceries, matched slipcover material, ate peanut butter sandwiches with her children, chauffeured Cub Scouts and Brownies, lay beside her husband at night - she was afraid to ask even of herself the silent question - Is this all? No woman gets an orgasm from shining the kitchen floor. Instead of fulfilling the promise of infinite orgasmic bliss, sex in the America of the feminine mystique is becoming a strangely joyless national compulsion, if not a contemptuous mockery. It is ridiculous to tell girls to be quiet when they enter a new field, or an old one, so the men will not notice they are there. A girl should not expect special privileges, because of her sex, but neither should she adjust to prejudice and discrimination. Men werent really the enemy they were fellow victims suffering from an outmoded masculine mystique that made them feel unnecessarily inadequate when there were no bears to kill. Strange new problems are being reported in the growing generations of children whose mothers were always there, driving them around, helping them with their homework - an inability to endure pain or discipline or pursue any self-sustained goal of any sort, a devastating boredom with life. It isnt that I have stopped being a feminist, but women as a separate interest group are not my concern anymore. If divorce has increased by one thousand percent, dont blame the womens movement. Blame the obsolete sex roles on which our marriages were based. Aging will create the music of the coming century. You can show more of the reality of yourself instead of hiding behind a mask for fear of revealing too much. Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength. Just as darkness is sometimes defined as the absence of light, so age is defined as the absence of youth. Its a different stage of life, and if you are going to pretend its youth, you are going to miss it. You are going to miss the surprises, the possibilities, and the evolution that we are just beginning to know about because there are n role models and there are no guideposts and there are no signs. As we approach the millennium, I find it astonishing that I have been part of a movement that in less than forty years has transformed American society so much so that young women today seem to find it impossible to believe that women were once not seen as equal to men, as persons in their own right. Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, an eminent historian who I am not sure considers herself a feminist at all, said recently that never in history had a group transformed their conditions in society so rapidly as in the modern American womens movement. Quotes About Betty Friedan Nicholas Lemann Feminism is diverse and contentious, but, in its current manifestation, it began with the work of a single person: Friedan. Ellen Wilson, in response to Friedans The Second Stage Friedan is really saying that feminists should embrace the current trend toward mindless sentimentality about family and abandon our abrasive habit of analyzing and criticizing it.
Friday, November 22, 2019
5 Great Part-Time Jobs for College Students
5 Great Part-Time Jobs for College Students Let’s face it: college isn’t cheap. From tuition, room and board, and books to incidentals like travel expenses, social activities and the occasional beer or two, the costs add up. You could sell your organs, but there are easier ways to make a quick buck. Not only that, but the right part-time job looks terrific on your resume and just may position you for career success after graduation. Let’s take a closer look at five of the best part-time jobs for college students. 1. College Tour GuideJust how good is this gig? USA Today actually ran an article on the many perks of being a tour guide. Not only do you get great swag and access to exclusive events and social networking opportunities, but you also have the opportunity to hone your communication skills. This practice will come in handy whether you’re delivering an in-class presentation or undergoing a job interview.The competition may be steep for these jobs, but the rewards are big, and will continue to pay off in professionalism, confidence and leadership.Even better? According to some reports, college tour guides make as much as $13/hour - not too shabby for backwards walking through the hallowed halls of your institution.2. Library/Computer Lab MonitorLove books? How about peace and quiet? If so, a library monitor position may be the ideal fit for you. Library monitors have a number of different responsibilities - from checking out books at the circulation desk to scanning, sorting and shelving them. Organization is a helpful trait for library monitors, as is helpfulness: you will likely be frequently called upon to help other students do everything from use the school computers to find information on academic topics.If library stacks feel like home to you, a library monitor job may be the perfect fit.Computer monitors and library monitors share many common responsibilities, although computer monitors should also have strong computer literacy.And while library monitors and co mputer lab monitors might not haul in the biggest bucks, they typically come with an ample amount of downtime meaning the opportunity to pursue your own studies while on the job.3. Fitness InstructorIf fitness is already a large part of your life, why not get paid for it? Whether you are devoted to your yoga practice or enjoy the energy of Zumba, university recreation centers are always on the lookout for enthusiastic talent. If you love helping people discover their own personal passion for health and fitness, this job offers the perfect opportunity to make a different while honing your leadership skills and making more than $15/hour.4. Residential AssistantToday’s employers are always on the lookout for tomorrow’s business leaders and innovators. One way to stand out from the crowd? Apply to be a residential assistant (RA).RA positions are coveted, and with good reason: not only is your room and board typically covered as compensation, but this job also gives you the tremendous opportunity to play an important role in the lives of incoming students. You will also have the chance to learn the ins and outs of everything going on around your campus while interacting with diverse people and learning valuable life skills in the process.5. TutorWherever there are students, there are people in need of some extra academic help. Whether you’re an ace at math or a whiz with the written word, there are plenty of opportunities for tutoring jobs - both on and off campus. The hours are flexible and can be done either online or in person.An added benefit? Parents are willing to fork over big bucks to help their kids succeed in in their academic studies. Tutoring is also a great way for you to revisit past materials for mastery.Get paid to share your smarts.There are many great-part time jobs for college students depending on your strengths, skills and interests. Want a jump start on finding the perfect one? Sign up for the TheJobNetwork’s Real- Time job matching, which connects job seekers with employers based on your individual needs and preferences.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Community Relations about Policing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Community Relations about Policing - Essay Example the people who are identified to work closely with the police and take part in policing activities have been able to identify and report the culprits. However, there are still those activities that are conducted by the police which tend to hinder the success rates of community policing. This paper will discuss a number of the issues to determine how they can be eliminated to ensure that the visions and missions of community policing are achieved. It is not only fitting that the police executive gives high priority to ensuring that the police officers remain accountable, but also essential that they survive as the leader of the police department. It is for this reason that there is a need to work together with other members of the police force as well as the members of the public who interact with the possible law offenders. One of the issues that the police chiefs constantly worry about is the continual use of brutality and excessive use of police force and powers. In this case, most of the police officers and policy makers have to take into consideration such characteristics of community policing that threaten the accountability of police officers (Peter, 2009). One of the most fundamental issues in the individual police officer or the entire group is the ability to be accountable. This is the ground upon which police executives are performed. The scope of this is that the police officers are also the public authorities who have been authorized by the public to ensure that they are kept safe at all times. In this case, they are even obliged to use force when it becomes necessary. Nonetheless, some of the individuals take advantage of this authority and are thus involved in activities that expose the misuse of their powers. Since some of these cannot be detected by the supervisors or may be difficult to ascertain the degree with which such services are provided, the public are supposed to be made aware of what to expect. This also forms part of the community
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The impact of the financial meltdown on the luxury fashion goods Dissertation
The impact of the financial meltdown on the luxury fashion goods market - Dissertation Example Be the epicenter of a financial crisis in any country like the United States, but its effect is felt in the other nations as well, quite similarly to the manner in which the global economic crisis of 2008 impacted the industrial sectors of the United Kingdom (Naude, 2009, p.19). The worldwide economic crisis of 2008 disturbed the basics of the luxury fashion commodities industry globally. To ride out the outburst, the, industry players countered to new user demands and, in the course, redefined the industry of luxury. There have been considerable changes and challenges faced by the luxury goods companies. The research would also include the case of a handbag designer in Paris, France, named Philippe Rousseau, who worked hard to push his business all through the crisis period. (Lauder Global Business Insight Report, 2010, p.9). Thus the rationale for the research is to understand the impact of the global financial crisis on the luxury fashion goods industry and analyze the way forward to online selling, which has been introduced by several luxury goods organizations as a new means of attracting consumers, in the recovering face of a global financial meltdown. 2) Literature Review: By the end of 2007, the world had penetrated into a recession or a financial meltdown the origin of which were mortgage and credit crisis, thereby leading to unemployment. Consumer confidence got destabilized, and this caused a cutback in the spending habits of the customers. The economic strain and the indecisive future also created a comprehensive change in the fashion industry leading to joblessness, curtails in expenses, termination plans for growth and development, or at times bankruptcies and closure of the business (Taylor & Weerapana, 2009, p.782). The luxury sector started facing saturation in the market with thinning demand. Sales of high finish fashion goods were confronted by the consumers’ inclination to explore and evaluate prices, and find thorough information bef ore buying. Designers started looking at partnerships with mass traders. Retailers and designers, in hunt of fresh clientele, pleaded to global apprehensions such as communally and environmentally accountable developed practice. It was by the end of the twentieth century that the industry started recovering and finding new ways of establishing their businesses again (Welters & Lillethun, 2011, p.111). Owing to the financial crisis, the middle class as well as many wealthy customers have been hit. Even those affluent groups who have not been individually affected by the crisis are changing their buying manners, a way of representatively taking part in the nationwide attempt and exhibiting harmony. In fact, the luxury sector gets more affected than other sectors by the consumers’ spending less on the products (Kapfere & Bastien, 2009). Philippe Roucou who is a handbag designer in Paris, has worked very hard to overcome the period of financial crisis. He started working for desi gner Gabrielle Cadet who designed hats and handbags, in 1988 and gradually became passionate for accessories (philipperoucou, n.d.). His own business at present sells about 1500 handbags internationally per year. He is also involved in certain other businesses like a studio of his own. (Lauder Global Business Insight Report, 2010, p.9). In today’s world as a means of attracting more consumers, the fashion goods companies are coming up with online selling facilities for their customers (Caroll &
Saturday, November 16, 2019
International Business Case Study Essay Example for Free
International Business Case Study Essay The first question: how has the globalization of market benefited IKEA? The globalization of market refers to the merging of historically distinct and separate national markets into one huge global marketplace. Falling barriers to cross-border trade have more easier to sell internationally, so it is easier for IKEA to grow into a global cult brand with 230 stores in 33countries and have 5 suppliers of the frames in Europe, plus 3 in the United States and two in China. Because a fewer barriers to cross-border trade. IKEA can easily to open a store in other countries. the second question: how has the globalization of production benefited IKEA? The globalization of production refers to sourcing of goods and services from locations around the globe to take advantage of national differences in the cost and quality of factors of productions, IKEA did a good job, in order to reduce the cost of cotton slipcovers, IKEA has concentrated production in four core suppliers in China. The resulting efficiencies from these global sourcing decisions enabled IKEA to reduce the price of the Klippen by some 40 present between 1995 and2005, because in China we have cheaper labour and lower price of source, it will reduce the cost of production in IKEA, thereby allow IKEA to compete more effectively. What does the IKEA story teach you about the limits of treating the entire world as single integrated global marketplace? In my opinion, every country is unique and has different cultures. If the strategies to provide low price of product offer a company must identify what and which factor that can bring the lowest cost in term of labour, transportation, materials and so on. IKEA first discovered in the early1990s. The company found that its European-style offerings. However, it didn’t always resonatewith American consumers. Because of this reason, IKEA has redesigned its US offerings appeal to American consumers, which has resulted in stronger sales. It is obvious that tastes and preference play an important role in the globalization market. Also, since not everyone had a car, IKEA ensured that their stores were located near public transport.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Good Use - The Customer is Always Right Essay -- Teaching Writing Educ
Good Use - The Customer is Always Right Does "I respectfully submit my resignation," convey the same meaning as, "I quit?" Certainly the tone of voice is different, but do these two phrases say the same thing? Which one is correct? In answering these questions we are making decisions about what constitutes good use in writing techniques. According to Orwell's Advice for Writing, one should, "Never use a long word where a short one will do." Following this line of thinking one would logically conclude that "I quit," a phrase of only five characters in length, is by far the better choice when comparing it to the thirty-two character alternative, "I respectfully submit my resignation." However, there may just be a bit more to proper usage in writing than choosing between longer and shorter words/phrases of the same meaning. In fact, the most important aspect of usage may just be the audience for which the writing is intended. (in other words, it's not the size that counts, it's whose using it!) For example, J. D. Thomas point s out that in technical writing, "Efficient communication depends upon a 'middle' range..." or writing that will be utilized by people with varied educational/technical backgrounds. Technicians use jargon that may not be understood by an otherwise well educated person. Therefore, if a technician wants to write a paper explaining some revolutionary way of manufacturing to a potential investor, she's going to have to adjust her writing to suit her audience so as to successfully convey her message. However, the same paper would have to be amended to include specific, object-oriented terminology if it were targeted towards the technician's peers. Another important aspect of good usage, according to T. Cliffo... ... audience is the determining factor of good use. The two phrases mentioned earlier, "I quit," and "I respectfully submit my resignation," illustrate the power the audience has in writing. Without knowing for whom the phrases are intended, the author can't make a decision between the two. "I quit," is short and to the point, but who is the writer talking to? Will the abrupt nature of the phrase cause tension or will the audience simply ignore it as insignificant babble? If it's an employer that she is expecting a good reference from, perhaps, "I respectfully submit my resignation," is the way to go. On the other hand, if shock value is the intent of the writer, an entire realm of discontinued-employment phrases may become appropriate. Metaphorically speaking, the audience is the customer in the department store of writing styles, and the customer is always right.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Locomotion of Horse Movement
Locomotion is the movement of bodies from one position to another. Therefore, locomotion of horse movement refers to the bodily movement of the horse in particular. The bodily movement of the horse depends on the shape, length and structure of the horse. When galloping, a horse alternates between the front and back legs. When one side protracts, the other side retracts, hence the four legs change their position. Therefore, during a complete stride, the horse walking performs four triple stances, two diagonal and two laterals. Starting movement with the protraction of the right hind, the left hind retracts, moving back. This position rotates the right hip a head and the left foot back. Measurement and use of some anatomic parts of the animal body has been considered objective criteria for morphological evaluation. Therefore, the dynamically similar locomotion will not be similar in the animals that have properties that are identical. This means that deviations that are detectable from those that are dynamically similar in locomotion are likely over the size limit that is found in adult horses. These have been bred by human beings in a wider range of sizes as compared to the adults most species. The horses walk is quite similar to that of human beings walk. This fact is supported by the results attained by Ronalndelli e Dust. In his study, he found out that an average hip rotation of 25, 39 degrees measuring the walk of the horse. This result is similar to that of the hip rotation observed by Van de Linden (2002) in kinematics and kinetic gait characteristics of normal children walking at a range of clinically relevant speed. Adding to this too Donald F. Hoyt* & C. Richard Taylor also feels that there is need to minimize their energy there is need to minimize their energy consumption. Therefore, the quadrupeds need to change the gait from a walk to a trot, then to a gallon to support this. This is seen in human who change from walk to a run at a certain speed that requires less energy than running and vice versa. Therefore, they minimize the energy cost of locomotion as their speed increases. This is because the metabolic rate does increase curvilinear with change in the walking speed. However, this is not the same to the quadrupeds as their metabolic rates increase linearly with the change in speed. In an experiment, extended gaits are taken to be tools of importance in the study of the changes of human beings. Using three trained horses, its seen that through the use of the amount of oxygen consumption as the indicator of the amount of energy consumption, the natural gait shows the s smallest amount of energy a t any speed. According to Dr. Alan Wilson, a horse’s leg resembles a pogo stick that uses energy stored in the muscles and tendons to enable animal move forward and upwards. The stiffer the horse’s leg restricts how quickly it can transmit force to the ground and bounce back up again and increase the chances of injury. However, research has shown that fast horses can bring their legs forward quickly in preparation for the next stride. However, this is difficult and therefore slower for large and long-legged horses. We found that the minimum, preferred and maximum sustained speeds within a trot and a gallop all change in the same rather dramatic manner with body size, differing by nine-fold between mice and horses (i.e. all three speeds scale with about the 0.2 power of body mass). Also we found out that the mass-specific energetic cost of locomotion is almost directly proportional to the stride frequency used to sustain a constant speed at all the equivalent speeds within a trot and a gallop, except for the minimum trotting speed (Heglund NC, 2002). When in movement, the forelegs of the horse bear the weight of the horse. This leads to the occurrence of a momentary deceleration. This is followed by downward movement due to the force of gravity. That is, the head and neck moves downwards. Therefore, this leads to the stretch of the strong elastic rope found at the back of the skull. It then stretches withers hence forming the upper lining of the neck. As the head pendulum swing s downwards, there is an effect on the spine which is rigid. This leads to the raising of the tail end part of the spine. There is also the swing of the hind legs due to elevation of the hips. This helps to keep stable the inertia that leads to the backward movement of the back legs from the stride they were before. Therefore, the expenditure of the energy used by the muscles to move them forward to in the coming stride is saved amicably. However, the contents of the liver and abdominal are thrust against the diaphragm due to the first deceleration that occurs together with the hips elevation. This diminishes the volume of the thorax and assists respiration. At the suspension stage when the elastic recoil of the ligament is important as it is used to take back or restore the head into original position. This happens when all the four feet are off the ground. As a result, a tug occurs which helps to draw the forelegs caused by the head being elevated. The inertia is overcome and as a result the previous backward move occurs (Chris Webster (2005) The fore legs are then moved forward while the hind legs bear the weight. This combined performance therefore elevates the spine of the horse at a level similar to that of the withers. This leads to the flattening of the diaphragm and as a result of the liver being firmly bound to it. Hence, the thorax enlarges supporting the process of inspiration. As the process of locomotion takes place, 100% efficiency cannot be achieved although economy is enhanced by the cyclic interchange that takes place between the many forms of mechanical energy that is available. A metabolic cost is also associated with fluctuations that occur in mechanical energy that is involved in the locomotion that is of high speed gallop type race horses (Karen E. Adolph (2000). Therefore, natural waving of the head and neck done by the horse is termed as the head bob. Each head bob varies depending on its degree from one horse to the other. This mechanism therefore helps a galloping horse to minimize the amount of energy spent on movement or locomotion and respiration as well. To counter the movement of the horse too the anatomy of the horse at the muscle level also matters for its movement too. Looking at the longest tendons found in the horse, that is the superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT), disturbance of the locomotors characteristics of the SDFT takes place in most cases at the middle part of the mid-metacarpal area. However, up to date there is no evidence the morphological characteristics of collagen fibrils found at the middle and peripheral parts of the three regions that make the entire tendon. However, there is the presence of the myotendious junction (MTJ), the osteondious joint (OS) and the mid- metacarpal region (mM) The mass average diameter (MAD) is useful since it provides important information on the mean collaged diameter and the strength of the tendon. That is the tensile strength of the tendon. This was found to be smaller in the central are as compared to that at the peripheral area of the three regions. The MAD value however was found to lowest in the two areas at the MTJ region, but increases gradually in a distal way in the OTJ which unite with the bone. Thus, the morphological characteristics suggest that it is similar to biochemical functions in some parts of the SDFT. But for Butcher MT, the process of training and racing the lesions of the superficial tendon always are taken to be common careers ending injuries to the race horses although this is not fully understood. However, this has fatigue –resistant characteristics and force production features as well, which allow storage and return of the elastic energy by the tendons (Andrea Ellis, Julian Hill (2005). Depending on these features and proof from history, it is therefore assumed that overloading of the SDFT is as a result of fatigue of the synergist, which is a faster contracting and deep flexor muscle. Therefore, the horse should be well taken care of and well fed to enhance its locomotion. References Karen E. Adolph (2000) Learning in the Development of Infant Locomotion, Psychology, Blackwell.ISBN0631224564. Chris Webster (2005), The Mechanism of Motion, Performing Arts. Nohingham University press, ISBN1897676468. Andrea Ellis, Julian Hill (2005) Nutritional Psychology pf the Horse, Medical. Elsevier, ISBN0240516664  Â
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Ecological Effects of Industrial Revolution
Ecological Effects of Industrial Revolution Museum http://ohsweb. ohiohistory. org/places/se02/index. shtml Buckeye Furnace is a reconstructed charcoal-fired iron blast furnace originally built in 1852. http://www. thehenryford. org/education/industrialRevolution. aspx Impact of Technology and Innovations during Industrial Revolution by experiencing the transition from small farms and shops of the 18th and 19th centuries to the large industrial complexes of today.Engines of Change introduces some of the people and machines that were part of this great transformation of change. Websites http://industrialrevolution. sea. ca/innovations. html Technologies are discussed that occurred during the Industrial Revolution to improve production. http://www. worldcoal. org/coal-the-environment/coal-mining-the-environment/ Coal mining and the how it affects the environment. http://www. worldcoal. org/coal-the-environment/climate-change/ Global greenhouse emissions, coal and climate change. http:/ /www. catf. us/publications/reports/Cradle_to_Grave. df The environmental impact from coal mining. http://www. nps. gov/lowe/index. htmUncover the Industrial Revolution through interactive exhibits at the Boott Cotton Mills Museum, and see the operating power looms. http://www. millerandlevine. com/km/evol/Moths/moths. html Example of evolution working through the process of natural selection caused by a changing habitat linked to the industrial revolution. http://ecology. com/features/industrial_revolution/index. html The Industrial Revolution marked a major turning point in Earth’s ecology and humans’ relationship with their environment. ttp://www. mnsu. edu/emuseum/biology/evolution/genetics/naturalselection. html A complete text explaining evolution by the process of natural selection. http://www. globalchange. umich. edu/globalchange1/current/lectures/selection/selection. html Explanation of Natural Selection. http://bsgran. people. wm. edu/melanism. pdf Peppered moth selection analysis. Journal Article Oakes, Elizabeth H. â€Å"Newcomen, Thomas. †A to Z of STS Scientists. New York: Facts On File, Inc. , 2002. Science Online. Facts On File, Inc. http://www. fofweb. com/activelink2. asp?ItemID=WE41&SID=5&iPin= azsts0137&SingleRecord=True http://www. fofweb. com/activelink2. asp? ItemID=WE40&SID=5&iPin= azsts0137&SingleRecord=True. With the invention of this atmospheric steam engine, the Industrial Revolution used coal as fuel. Barber, Nigel. â€Å"Ethical Issues of Air Pollution . †Encyclopedia of Ethics in Science and Technology. Facts On File, Inc. , 2002. Science Online. Facts On File, Inc. http://www. fofweb. com/activelink2. asp? ItemID=WE40&SID=5&iPin= ethics0008&SingleRecord=True http://www. fofweb. com/activelink2. asp? ItemID=WE40&SID=5&iPin= ethics0008&SingleRecord=True.Major environmental polluters feel little sense of legal liability for pollution causing ill health and habitat destruction. Hopkins, William G. â₠¬Å"photosynthesis and the environment. †Photosynthesis and Respiration, The Green World. New York: Chelsea House Publishing, 2006. Science Online. Facts On File, Inc. http://fofweb. com/activelink2. asp? ItemID=WE41&SID=5&iPin= GWPR0006&SingleRecord=True http://fofweb. com/activelink2. asp? ItemID=WE40&SID=5&iPin= GWPR0006&SingleRecord=True. Since Industrial Revolution, the human population has put increased pressure on the biosphere. Rosen, Joe, and Lisa Quinn Gothard. greenhouse effect. †Encyclopedia of Physical Science. New York: Facts On File, Inc. , 2009. Science Online. Facts On File, Inc. http://fofweb. com/activelink2. asp? ItemID=WE41&SID=5&iPin= EPS0098&SingleRecord=True http://fofweb. com/activelink2. asp? ItemID=WE40&SID=5&iPin= EPS0098&SingleRecord=True. Explanation of greenhouse effect, greenhouse gases, and energy transfers. Barber, Nigel. â€Å"ethical implications of the Industrial Revolution. †Encyclopedia of Ethics in Science and Technology. Facts On File, Inc. , 2002. Science Online. Facts On File, Inc. http://fofweb. com/activelink2. asp?ItemID=WE41&SID=5&iPin= ethics0217&SingleRecord=True http://fofweb. com/activelink2. asp? ItemID=WE40&SID=5&iPin= ethics0217&SingleRecord=True. The increased burning of fossil fuels by industry and transportation resulted in pollution to destroy ecosystems and create health problems. PowerPoint Presentations http://americanhistory. pppst. com/industrialrevolution. html http://www. birdville. k12. tx. us/Instruction/ss2/SS%20Resources/8th%20Grade%20Links/Results%20of%20Industrial%20Rev.. ppt#256,1,Results of the Industrial Revolution http://www. mrberlin. com/7th/Growth_Prosperity/cotton_gin. pt#261,1 Cotton Gin Simulation http://www. biologycorner. com/worksheets/pepperedmoth. html Simulations of peppered moth population due to predation and ecological changes. YouTube video http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=qWiv5QAZAJM Human Induced Climate Change – Ian Plimer (part 4 of 5) Bo ok Chapter Sakolsky, Josh . Critical Perspectives on the Industrial Revolution. New York: Rosen Publishing, 2005. A collection of articles which examines the Industrial Revolution. Chapter 2 Science, Technology, and Society: A Changing World. Books Stalcup, Brenda. The Industrial Revolution. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2002.A collection of articles which examines the causes, the spread of inventions and impact of the Industrial Revolution. Outman, James L. and Elisabeth M. Industrial Revolution: Primary Sources. Detroit: UXL, 2003. A book presenting works, speeches and testimony from which one gains an insight into the period. Evans, Chris and Goran Ryden. The Industrial Revolution in Iron: The Impact of British Coal Technologyin Nineteenth-Century Europe. London: Ashgate, 1988. Print. Hester, Ronald and Roy Harrison. Mining and its Environmental Impact. Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry, 1994.Print. Film/DVD Coal Country. Director Phylis Geller. 001, Liason Distribution, DVD. http://www. coalcountrythemovie. com/ Reveals the truth about modern coal mining in America. A Forest Returns: The Success Story of Ohio's Only National Forest as told by Ora E. Anderson. Producer Jean Andrews. Ohio Landscape Production, Inc. 2005. DVD. Documentary about the establishment of Wayne National Forest in Southeastern Ohio. http://www. ohiolandscape. org/09Forest. html Thesis Document number: ohiou1121272350. http://rave. ohiolink. edu/etdc/view? acc_num=ohiou1121272350 Research paper and videotaped production of Ora Anderson about the beginnings of Wayne National Forest. Gerald Nelson
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Cheap resume writing services review
Cheap resume writing services review You have been searching for a job for two years now and have not secured employment. You still wonder why you have not been employed regardless of how the world is competitive. You have got all the qualifications and perhaps the experience to be accepted into an industry. Many people have undergone this situation several times .Until resume writing services emerged its when you identified the real problem. All along you have been producing a resume that is far from impressive. Resume writing services main business is to produce high quality resumes for customers. And since many people are searching for jobs, their demand has been on the rise. This has resulted to cheap resume writing services. The jobless no longer have to spend dollars on a resume. Many are going for cheap resume writing in order to get a place in the industry. While it can be so convincing, resume writing services need to be investigated. Consider a case where a customer used a resume writing service and managed to secure employment. Where a cheap resume writing service managed to write a document that led one into employment then that is worth it. Review of resume writing services All information about resume writing services can be found in our reviews. By reading some of their reviews, its easy to pick a service that offers distinguishing help. And once you have identified a service, go ahead to read what customers are saying and its ratings. Perhaps if a service has written bunch of resume that got customers into the job industry, its worth if you go for them. Another area to keenly look at in reviews of resume writing services is the factor of provision of all information. Usually writers have very little information regarding a customers background, academic and work experience. Its important to find out if a service requests for such information or not. By doing so, you can easily tell a genuine cheap resume writing service from that which is fake. A company that is legit will always ask a customer to provide all the information to be used in resume writing. If you have decided to go the online way, take a look at information provided before you try a service. Its not always a good idea, so review resume writing services at our webpage to make sure you use the right one!
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Carnival Cruise Line
The IT improvement will help CCL to achieve the future goal that attract more loyal customer, help CCL to arrange customized activities, lower inventory cost and attract more first timers and repeaters by cooperating with travel agencies to promote their product. Provide Fun ship service with low cost and customer friendly strategy Carnival is a low-cost and customer oriented company which provides fun for a broad market. (Exhibit1 illustrates the core competiveness and key activities of CCL. ) â€Å"Fun Ship†theme is the key competitive advantage of CCL which â€Å"wants to think of the boat as the destination, and the ports as secondary†.At the same time, they use various promotional channels and wide ticket price range to attract broader market. Low cost strategy, customer friendly service and efficient product distribution enable CCL to be the leading company in the cruise industry. CCL performed well in the past and boasts bright future market, but there is still a large room of strategic improvement to break the bottleneck and achieve an even stronger market position. Recommend an IT investment in cruiser behavior analysis system Make an investment in developing a Cruiser Behavior Estimation system will optimize the current CRM system.In analysis of the current CRM system (Exhibit 2 virtualizes the process of current CRM system), I find that CCL has already embraced a comprehensive IS and the FSS perfectly create a cashless society on board with the SS card, but they don’t take full advantage of cruiser activity data. In the Exhibit 2, we can find that CCL don’t have any further estimation of the customer behavior. I improve the CRM process by adding a cruiser behavior estimation process, numbered as process 8 in the DFD (Exhibit3). With the process, the aligned CRM will improve customer service and create business value in four aspects.Raise customer satisfaction with the Behavior analysis system The newly added cruiser behavior estimation system will enable CCL to make quick response and give provide diversified activity recommendation. (Exhibit 3 presents my proposed IT-enabled process improvement and the aligned process numbered as a). After the analysis of the cruiser activities data, CCL can estimate that preference of on-board cruisers and make the personalized activity recommendations to encourage continuing shopping in the following days on board, which is similar to the â€Å"Amazon Recommendation for you†.The system will also help â€Å"Cruise staff quick learns guests’ name and preference. †Information from the system lower the inventory cost The customer pref erence and actual on-board consumption information will be recorded in customer database and used to predict their future consumption of inventory. (Exhibit 3 process b)The system will use the data to estimate the customers’ demand in the following days. Then the inventory center uses the estimation to adjust their supply. Therefore, the action will definitely save money for CCL with accurate inventory supply.Evaluate the customer loyalty with the system The evaluation results of customer loyalty will serve for further marketing promotion. (Exhibit 3 process c)Many customer behaviors will act as an evident to predict the potential customers. For instance, the most first timer wants to try some brand new activities, while the repeater prefers to more enjoyable experience. With the data analysis, they can predict the potential repeaters and send the information to PVPs to make the further promotion. Enhance the corporation with travel agency
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Criminal Law Cases Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Criminal Law Cases - Essay Example In the case of Johnson v. Texas, the appellant shot dead his accomplice Lean Freeman after an argument in which the offender was demanding his illegitimate money. The trial court had sentenced the offender to seventy-seven years for a crime of murder, but in his appeal, the defendant pointed out three mistakes committed by the trial court. He requested the appellate court to reverse the ruling of the trial court against overruling defendants request for lesser included offense charges, ineffective assistance of counsel and prosecutorial misconducts. The appellant requested the lesser included charge of involuntary manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide by adding that his acts were in self-defense. The appellate court examined the issues under Royster test and decided that the appellant acted voluntarily and consciously with intent to cause harm to the victim. The appellate claim of self-defense was irresponsible because he took time to load the gun and shoot the victim. The c laim that defendant acted in self-defense cannot be substantiated because there was no evidence of any assault caused by the victim or any confirmation that he carried a gun with him (Pearson Education Inc., 2012). Furthermore, involuntary manslaughter would require a person to act involuntarily and recklessly. However, the appellant was not reckless considering the time he took to load the gun and point it at the victim after they had an argument. His actions were planned carefully after the argument.
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