Monday, February 17, 2020
Women infertility Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Women infertility - Research Paper Example ly people who can make diagnosis if a person has had sex for more than one year withoutconceivingfor a period of one year, while having sex without protection. Infertility remains a problem for many women and sometimes men too suffer problems of infertility. This paper highlights some of the pathogenesis, common symptoms and current conventional treatment. It further addresses the issue of nutritional protocol to include diet and supplements, not only for healing the disorder, but also for prevention. Explain why the diet and supplements suggest are appropriate for this particular illness. b) The controversies surrounding the infertility problem is associated with a range of emotional problems facing the couples. Such challenges affect mostly the childless couples. And some argue that having at least one child may cool the tempers regarding infertility. a) Fallopian tube blockages or damages: when fallopian tubes of a woman are damaged, there is little possibility for a woman to conceive. It is vital to note that the fallopian tubes play an important role of carrying the eggs from the ovaries to the uterus and when they are damaged, there is no possibility of contact between the egg and sperm. Fallopian damages create many other problems that contribute to female infertility such as: endometriosis, pelvic infections, pelvic surgeries that may lead to scar formation and fallopian tube blockages (Jorge, Walter, and Skerrett, 71). b) Cervical problems: a cervical causes a small number of women to suffer from cervical conditions that may cause issues when it comes to conception. Cervical conditions are likely to bur sperms from passing through the cervical canal. Nonetheless, this is a treatable problem and many gynecologists will always advice women that it can be treated and women to conceive. Many of such cases have successfully been addressed through intrauterine insemination. c) Hormonal causes: hormonal problem may cause female infertility because many women
Monday, February 3, 2020
A Rose for Emily Critical Analisis Research Paper
A Rose for Emily Critical Analisis - Research Paper Example Even though Emily commits the gruesome murder of Homer Baron, her lover, she must be excused on account of her powerlessness to rid herself of the imposed personality. In sum, Emily’s character and actions are born out of external influences over which she has no control. Outline I Nature of Emily’s relationship with her father II Character traits of Mr. Grierson Class consciousness Patriarchal nature III Grierson’s influence on Emily’s personality IV Murder of Homer Baron V Conclusion Analysis Emily spends most of her adult life by her father’s side. Her father objects to all endeavors by eligible suitors to marry Emily partly due to the pride of class. The Griersons had considered themselves as occupying a privileged position in the society (Ruthmann 56). They did not wish to make any kind of acquaintances with the townspeople because of the divide on matters of class. As a result of this, Emily had learnt to accept her father as the only relevant companion in her life. After her father’s death, and later after the disappearance of Homer, she remained in solitude, â€Å"After her father’s death she went out very little; after her sweetheart went away, people hardly saw her at all†(Faulkner 12). It might be necessary to examine Mr. Grierson’s character in light of its possible influences on Emily. Grierson is portrayed as a domineering father with a strong character and irreconcilable aversion to common people. He is a man who could not compromise his social status and perspectives for ordinary things. As the only man in Emily’s world, he imparted these lopsided views on the young woman thus converting her into an antisocial individual. Mr. Grierson created a private mental universe in which he could live out his fantasies of class supremacy and patriarchal prejudices. He forced his daughter to share in this world and the two adopted a bird’s eye view on the society, which they regar ding in particularly demeaning terms. Mr. Grierson desired to convert her daughter into a super-human individual that could exist beyond the touch of all that was ordinary. It was precisely because of these delusions of grandeur that he disallowed Emily to marry the many suitors that came her way, â€Å"None of the young men were quite good enough for Miss Emily and such†(Faulkner 34). This would be the beginning of the unnatural feelings of necrophilia that would later demolish the citadel of grandeur in which she had been forced into by a patronizing Grierson. Emily shares a single mind with her father and appears ready to continue this union to the physical level. Her refusal to admit the reality of her father’s death and the three days reluctance to release the corpse for burial offers strong hints at the kind of physical bond, which she had nurtured towards her father. Her father was the singular point of reference in her life of social exclusion and represented the only essence of affection and company, which she could truly relate to. With his demise, Emily’s life lost all meaning. Naturally, Emily might have fought off her genuine feelings of love and compassion in an effort to stay the course on which her father had placed her. She sacrificed her individuality and sense of self with the intention of walking the straight and narrow established by her overbearing father. The force of patriarchy, which her father so brazenly embodied, would later fend off all forms
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