Friday, May 22, 2020
Similarities Between Gandhi And Nelson Mandela - 843 Words
History is full of many historical figures who have dedicated or even sacrificed their lives into making a change in human rights. Many of those historical figures tried to make a change by non-violent protest and civil disobedience. The two that I will talk about is Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi, these two are from two different countries but one place that they have in common in South Africa. Even though Gandhi is Indian, the way his people were treated in Africa made him wanted to make a change in human rights. Nelson Mandela, on the other hand, had been dealing with racial segregation or Apartheid since birth. Mahatma Gandhi was born in India and he was the leader of India’s Independence movement. In 1914 he created a nonviolence†¦show more content†¦Nelson Mandela wanted to create a rainbow nation, a nation where no matter what race or religion or ethnical group, everybody was treated the same. According to page 32 in the Nelson Mandela: The Man and the Movement book one of the goals of the African National Congress â€Å"Our goal is the winning of national freedom for African people, and the inauguration of a people’s free society where racial oppression is outlawed†. Even though the two men had many differences they also had a few similarities. For instance, they were both jailed many times for their beliefs and that didn’t mind standing up for what they believed was right no matter the consequences. They also both fought against the British rule in their own countries. But another difference is Gandhi died for his beliefs. On January 30th, 1948 a Hi ndi named Nathuram Godse shot Gandhi three times a point-blank range. According to page 500 in the A life of Gandhi book during Godse trial when he got up to read his statement and give his reasoning behind why he shot Gandhi. He said, â€Å"I do say the shots were fired at the person whose policy and action had brought rack and ruin and destruction to millions of Hindus†. Nelson Mandela was not assassinated like Gandhi, but he was jailed for twenty-seven years in 1962. Because he was found guilty of conspiracy and sabotage to overthrow the South African government with eight others from the African NationalShow MoreRelatedMartin Luther King And Nelson Mandela880 Words  | 4 Pages My essay is about the differences and similarities of two famous historical figures, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela. Some of the topics I will cover include the backgrounds of the individuals, where are they from, the achievements and accolades and public perception of these people and my personal opinion about everything accomplished in their lives. Mandela and King have some similarities in their lives. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
This Literature Review Examines Intimate Partner Violence
This literature review examines intimate partner violence perpetrated by males upon their female partners. Partner relationships will be those defined as a family including heterosexual partners bound by legal marriage as well as those cohabitating or common-law within the same household. Basis for this review is built upon an analysis of five scholarly and five non-scholarly works. IPV will be defined and referred to throughout this review based on the 2012 World Health Organization’s definition, â€Å"IPV refers to any behaviour within an intimate relationship that causes physical, psychological, or sexual harm to those in the relationship,†(WHO, 2012). The Family The family is the oldest and most common social relationship, identifying†¦show more content†¦Accordingly to Statistics Canada IPV â€Å"accounts for one of every four violent crimes reported to the police,†in 2011 (Sinha, 2013) representing 95,000 victims; 49% representative of abuse by current or former spouse, of which 80% of the victims were female (44,800 persons). By Canadian standards the number of IPC incidences within the Unite States are staggering. Based on 2010 statistics compiled by the Center for Disease Control, â€Å"35.6% of women in the United States have experienced rape, physical violence and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime†(Black, et al., 2011). Theories about IPV Within the literature consulted, no one reason or cause of IPV is agreed upon. Instead, numerous theories propose why such violence occurs. Barbara A. Mitchell notes, â€Å"theories range from blaming the perpetrator to placing responsibility on social structure,†(page #) faulting a series of causalities. Three categorical theories propose IPV results due to 1) individual pathology; 2) learned behaviours; or 3) a by-product of environmental stressors (Mitchell, 2012). Each of which containing models or theories further elaborating upon potential causes of IPV. Attributing personality traits, biological or physiological elements associated within genetics, to parental behaviours witness and modelled (Social Learning Theory), or â€Å"environmental triggers of stressors†(Mitchell, 2012, p. 344). Mitchel discusses an ecologicalShow MoreRelatedParental Educational Level, Socio Economic Status ( Ses ) And Children s Risk Of Violence Essay1563 Words  | 7 PagesTh is project is a literature review focusing on the relationship between parental educational level, socio-economic status (SES) and children’s risk of violence. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A good CV Free Essays
Introduction: It is obviously that everyone wants to get a dream Job. (Curriculum vitae) and a successful Job interview are what you need to make that dream come true. But it seems that Job interview is really the biggest challenge to most of applicants. We will write a custom essay sample on A good CV or any similar topic only for you Order Now Even if you have a perfect CV but you do not prepare well for your interview, you will lose your chance. So how can you have the best preparation for a Job interview? Thanks to the development of the Internet, you can easily search this topic on the World Wide Web for information. However, you can be confused when seeing the vast umber of websites and the many possible ways of locating the information. In the following essay, I will present some criteria to evaluate the credibility and reliability of the materials that I have taken from three web pages about this topic. At first, I had opened page Google. com and then typed the key words: â€Å"How to prepare for a Job interview’. I found about 52. 100. 000 results which are relevant to my topic. Nevertheless, I Just selected three of them because they are pretty credible and reliable. Here is the picture of the result of searching: Three articles I chose on the Internet for my essay: Picture 2: Image of the article â€Å"How do I prepare for a Job interview’ Picture 3: Image of the article â€Å"10 things you should do to prepare for a Job interview’ Picture 4: Image of the article â€Å"How to prepare for and attend your interviews†Body: My evaluation of the above three articles about the topic â€Å"How to prepare for a Job interview? †is based on five criteria of a credible and reliable site. They are the electronic addresses, timeliness, the purpose of the websites and documents, the document evaluation, the authorships and the sponsorships. The first article is â€Å"How do I prepare for a Job interview’. It is selected from the website with the â€Å". org†tag. So it is worth trusting. Besides, this article is the copyright of the Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants (OCASI), the office of which is located in Toronto, On, Canada. OCASI was formed in 1978 with the aim of acting as a collective voice for immigrant serving agencies and coordinating responses to shared needs and concerned. The settlement. org website, in which the article was posted, is one of the programs of OCASI. It was created and launched by OCASI in 1999 and was awarded the Merit and Diamond Award of Excellence by the Government of Ontario, a istinction given to an online service-delivery initiative that is â€Å"truly exceptional†. Also, it is funded by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and the Ontario Ministry ot Citizenship and Immigration (MCI). Theretore, its content is surely guaranteed. About the purpose of this article, it provides readers a general knowledge about a Job interview, such as: who will interview you, which questions you might be asked or what you have to bring to the interview†¦ Moreover, at the end of this page, it also gives readers some further valuable links to access for more information. Hence, this article is really helpful . lts content is quite well-reasoned for the topic and does not use any emotional expresses. It was last updated on September 12, 2011. The second article is â€Å"10 things you should do to prepare for a Job interview’. Similar to the first article, its website is also housed in the organization (. org) domains, so it is trustworthy too. Moreover, this article is protected by copyright and is property of The Help Group which is the largest, most innovative and comprehensive nonprofit of its kind in the United States. Also, the article is posted by Advance LA team whose Advancela. org website is one of the programs and services offered by the Help Group to answer the most frequently asked questions by parents of teens and young adults with special needs. This article was contributed by Yuttigar Jirachachavalwong, Graduate Student and Rachel Round, Graduate Student and Advance LA Life Skills Coach and was edited by Amy Jane Griffiths, PhD, Director of Advance LA. Dr. Amy Griffiths is a licensed clinical psychologist and a Nationally Certified School Psychologist. She received her Doctorate in the Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology Program from the University of California at Santa Barbara. As Director of Advance LA, Dr. Griffiths has taken on the all-encompassing mission of creating quality programs, developing and coordinating services, and training Advance LA wonderful coaching staff to help in support of the team while promoting success for all of clients She has worked with adolescents and young adults for a number of years and is extremely committed to making sure that while programs utilize thoughtful, comprehensive, and empirically-based interventions, they also meet the needs of the entire family. These evidences above proved the reliability and credibility of the article. How to cite A good CV, Papers
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